Over the years several women have consulted me on sexual harassment at work.
One of the most common questions that is raised involves how to respond to situations where a supervisor or co-worker expresses by words or conduct an interest in a relationship with them, compliments them on their dress or general appearance or an innocuous touching. Should one communicate their displeasure or rejection or should one remain silent is the question most raised. My answer is always it depends. It depends on whether you view the act or utterance as unwelcome or not. The Human Rights Code does not prohibit normal, consensual human interaction. Unless the act or utterance represents a marked departure from generally acceptable office behaviour it will be incumbent on the receiver to communicate their displeasure. The following decision by Adjudicator, Patricia E. DeGuire addresses these questions. I have reproduced the portions dealing with the law on this point.

B E T W E E N:

[1] The
Complainant, Ms Farias, was a patient of the Respondent, David Chuang, a dentist.1
She was still undergoing treatment from the
Respondent when he invited her
to be his Office Manager/Dental Assistant. She accepted. The employment
lasted for four months: from
January 27 to May 26, 2001.
[195] Subsection 7(2) of the Code states: “Every person who is an employee
has a right to freedom from
harassment because of sex by his or her employer or agent of the employer or by another employee.”
Regarding Dr. Chuang’s continual telephone calls to Ms Farias’ home, there is no evidence before the Tribunal
that at the onset, she had asked him to stop calling
her. When Dr. Chuang
invited her to dinner, Ms Farias’ rejection was in the form as an excuse: she had other plans. Such an
answer may leave a persistent suitor to determine to keep trying until he or
she wears down the person into accepting his or her overtures. This
is especially true in this case where Ms Farias accepted Dr. Chuang’s
Valentine’s Day amorous mementoes and excused herself from a Valentine’s Day dinner invitation by saying she was
“going to a friend’s house.” Dr. Chuang’s comment to Dr. Han, which Ms Farias states that she overheard at the lunch in February
2001, (that he, Dr. Chuang,
does not handle rejection very well), suggests that he was engaged in a romantic pursuit of Ms Farias. While the
inference may be drawn that Dr.
Chuang was aware that his overtures were being rebuffed, the Tribunal is not convinced that he interpreted her actions as indications that his
behaviour was unwelcome within the context of sexual harassment.
April 14.01.
I’ve decided to ask my dad to pick me up from work from now on. Last Thursday,
he drove me home from work and he tryed again to hold
my hand, I’m very uneasy & uncomfortable, this way, he can’t anymore and he can’t put his hand on my leg when he drives me home, anymore.
However, Ms Farias’ refusal to take rides from Dr. Chuang from that day onward, and his awareness of it, ought to have made it clear to him that his behaviour
was unwelcome. That ought
to have disabused him of any notion he held that Ms Farias was shy, coy or accepting of his overtures.

Patricia E. DeGuire Vice-Chair
One of the most common questions that is raised involves how to respond to situations where a supervisor or co-worker expresses by words or conduct an interest in a relationship with them, compliments them on their dress or general appearance or an innocuous touching. Should one communicate their displeasure or rejection or should one remain silent is the question most raised. My answer is always it depends. It depends on whether you view the act or utterance as unwelcome or not. The Human Rights Code does not prohibit normal, consensual human interaction. Unless the act or utterance represents a marked departure from generally acceptable office behaviour it will be incumbent on the receiver to communicate their displeasure. The following decision by Adjudicator, Patricia E. DeGuire addresses these questions. I have reproduced the portions dealing with the law on this point.

Ontario Human Rights Commission
-and- Lucy Farias
David Chuang (also known as David S. Chuang and S. David Chuang)
carrying on business as Queenstate Dental Care

Citation: 2005 HRTO 22

[2] What came out of that brief period of employment/patient-dentist
relationship are several
allegations of discrimination with respect to employment because
of sex (the “Complaint”):
(subsection 5(1)); sexual harassment in the workplace because of sex by the
Respondent: (subsection 7(2)); sexual solicitation or advance by the Respondent: (subsection 7(3)(a));
reprisal or threat of reprisal
for rejecting the Respondent’s sexual solicitation or advance (subsection
7(3)(b); and reprisal (section 8) of the Ontario Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19, as amended (the “Code”).
[3] The Tribunal
convened the hearing on the merits on February 21 and 22, 2005. The Respondent did not attend.
Now, the Tribunal must determine whether the
Respondent has infringed the Complainant’s rights
as alleged or any other
rights; if such infringements contravene section 9 of the Code; and the appropriate remedy under section 41.
The Law

[196] Subsection 7(3)
states: Every person has a right to be
free from,
a) a sexual solicitation or advance made by a person in a position
to confer, grant
or deny a benefit or advancement to the person
where the person
making the solicitation or advance knows or ought reasonably to know
that it is unwelcome; or
b) a reprisal or a threat of
reprisal for the rejection of a sexual solicitation or advance where the reprisal is made or threatened by a person
in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or
advancement to the person.
[197] It is useful at this point to set out the schema
of subsections 7(2) and 7(3) of the Code and the difference between
them and the rest of the numerated
grounds under the Code.
These two subsections enunciate the standard
imposed on a complainant and a respondent in the workplace.
Generally, in establishing a prima facie case, one need not prove intention or motive.
By clearly requiring actual or objective knowledge, by necessary implication, the Legislature
has graphed on intent, recklessness or wilful blindness as the test to be met to
establish the elements of an infringement of subsections 7(2) and 7(3). The actual or
objective knowledge is imputed in subsection
7(2). This introduces a binary: the elimination of sexual harassment in the
work place, and protection of the complainant and the respondent. The first
prong needs no explanation; the second needs
[198] The Legislature recognizes the fear of retaliation an employee may experience by informing someone in her or his
workplace, especially one in authority, that his or her conduct is
unwelcome. On the other hand, the Legislature recognizes —as well as the Supreme
Court of Canada in Blencoe3--the inherent stigma, which
attaches to a serious allegation of sexual harassment. Thus, it has established a scheme, which
acts as a sword or a shield for the complainant
or the respondent, respectively. The complainant can inform the alleged perpetrator that her or his sexual
advance or solicitation is unwelcome without
fear of retort. And, where there is reprisal or threat, there is statutory redress. Without that
protection, a complainant may not be able to assert her or his right or
prove that the conduct was unwelcome, for invariably, the defence will be that
the victim did not communicate that the conduct was unwelcome.
[199] Therefore, within that binary scheme, it is not
enough for a complainant to give a
“hint” to someone whose conduct
he or she finds unwelcome.
(See para. 209 below).
The inherent nuance of a hint could be lost on one who is not alert to know
that the hint is personal to her or
him. Further, it is not enough to show the conduct made her or him uncomfortable.
[200] In determining whether a complainant’s right to be free from sexual harassment has been infringed, the courts, boards of inquiry
and this Tribunal
state that unwanted touching constitutes sexual
harassment. (See e.g., Janzen v. Platty Enterprises Ltd., [1989] 1 S.C.R. 1252;
and Impact Interior Inc. v. Ontario
(Human Rights Commission) (1998), 35 C.H.R.R. D/477
(Ont. C.A.).
[201] By necessary
implication, in this case, the complainant must clearly indicate to the respondent that the conduct is
unwelcome. It is the knowledge or imputed
knowledge that the conduct is unwelcome, being reckless or being wilfully
blind to the fact
that a complainant does not wish to be touched, which leads to a finding of sexual
[202] When one understands that touching is unwelcome
and still touches, the inference can be drawn
that the person
had the intention to touch or that person
is being reckless
or wilfully blind.
the form of
communication used by the complainant
to indicate that the conduct is unwelcome—verbal, physical or otherwise— and the conduct
of the respondent must be assessed objectively within the context
of the work environment. That
approach is necessary, especially when
the conduct, viewed
within the light
of public awareness of what constitutes sexual harassment, is not
so grave.
[203] It is apposite to state at this juncture that the test ought not to be conflated
with Dr. Chuang’s professional obligation to his employees or patients.
For while a dentist or other professional might breach her or
his professional duty by engaging in a
consensual relationship with an employee or patient,
that is not a breach of the Code. Similarly, even if allowing Ms Farias to extract teeth or administer certain treatment to patients is a breach of Dr. Chuang’s professional duty that is not a violation of the Code.
[204] Applying the above to the facts, the Tribunal
concludes that some of Dr. Chuang’s actions constitute sexual
harassment; others do not. The acts that do not constitute sexual harassment are dealt
with first to show the sequential pattern leading
to those acts, which constitute sexual harassment. Those acts must be assessed within the work environment, including
the genesis of the working
[205] Ms Farias
states that she found Dr. Chuang’s referring to her as “juicy Lucy”, “sweetheart”, and “honey” caused
her to feel “uncomfortable”. In response, she
“gave him a disapproving look”. Her evidence
is, “he did notice, but [she didn’t]
think he understood in [her] opinion.” When he showed
her the profiles
of naked men and women, who were well endowed, by her own
evidence, he seemed to have shown it to her as a joke. While she felt
“uncomfortable” and thought his showing her those profiles was a
“little odd” (as opposed to objectionable), she did not indicate to Dr. Chuang that his conduct
was unwelcome. Similarly, Ms Farias did not tell Dr. Chuang
that his consistent calling
her at home for chitchats; his invitations to dinner, to concerts and vacation;
his awkward overtures of touching and eating her leftover morsel of chicken;
and his invitations to lunch were unwelcome. Dr. Chuang’s behaviour must
be viewed side-by-side with Ms Farias’ reactions or lack thereof, and Dr. Chuang’s comments as presented by Ms Farias.

[207] According to Ms Farias’ evidence, from the time
she began her employment with Dr.
Chuang until sometime in April 2001, she had accepted rides home from Dr. Chuang. During that time, Dr. Chuang had also caressed her around her waist for a
“few seconds”; he had given
her gifts at Valentine’s Day, which she accepted; he had made “moaning or groaning sounds”
and put his arms around
her waist in February/March 2001; and had touched her hand while in the
operatory. Not conveying clearly that
his conduct was unwelcome, and continuing to accept rides from Dr. Chuang likely
led him to believe that there was still a chance that his overtures
would be successful.
[208] The evidence about Ms Farias’ transportation from
work and the incidents, which occurred
at least a couple times, when Dr. Chuang was taking Ms Farias home, supports
the Tribunal’s conclusion. Ms Farias’ and Dr. Chuang’s reactions to that incident are telling.
[209] In April
2001, while Dr. Chuang was driving Ms Farias home after work, he tried to hold her hands. She put her hands in her coat pocket and at that juncture Dr. Chuang put his hand on the “inner part
of her thigh”. Exhibit 1, Tab 5 at p. 2,
is a partial journal, which Ms Farias asserts she kept at the
relevant time. It states that Dr. Chuang
“had put his hand on [her] leg”. The entry for that day is reproduced below, verbatim:

[210] The Tribunal notes that the “Thursday” referred to
in the entry was April 12, 2001. The entry was made on Friday, April 13, 2001. The April 13, 2001 entry, which Ms
Farias annotates the “first entry”, states: “even the night before he called
and asked me to go to Niagara Falls
with him shopping he does not take a hint. I have plans is what I told
him, and he still called
again that day (fri).” There is no mention of the April
12, 2001 incident: no
reference to the “touching of the leg”.
On its face, that seems odd: the journal was Ms Farias’ private
record to which no one else had access, a medium where Ms Farias sought refuge to express
her feelings candidly. (See para. 76 above).
[211] Ms Farias’
evidence is from that day onward, she did not take any more rides from Dr. Chuang; she took a taxi home or had her father pick her up. In response, Ms Farias
states that Dr. Chuang had remarked to her in a sharp
angry tone: “You don’t take rides home . . .don’t you like me
anymore?” By inference, the evidence connotes that Dr. Chuang felt that Ms Farias had
liked him.
[212] On the one hand, by inference
Dr. Chuang’s reaction indicated that in his mind,
he was engaging in romantic
pursuit. It is interesting to note Mr. LaPlante’s diction
in expressing his objection
to Dr. Chuang’s conduct. He states that it had upset him that
Dr. Chuang wanted to date Ms
Farias, implicitly, because they were dating at the time.
[213] In this case, the Tribunal is mindful that the
perception of the respondent is valid
and must be viewed within the context of the work environment. The Tribunal concludes that within that work environment, Dr. Chuang’s perception was reasonable.

[215] The Tribunal
has given some weight to the Peel Regional Police
CASA Unit’s Report entered into evidence by the
Commission: Exhibit 1, Tab 12. The initial intake was June 2, 2001: a few days after Ms
Farias had resigned. The investigation concluded on June 26, 2001: months before Ms Farias had filed a
formal complaint to the Commission or the RCDSO, and several
years before the Tribunal’s hearing on the merits.
[216] The report concluded that Dr. Chuang “did make
advances” to Ms Farias, “but at no time” during her employment with Dr.
Chuang did Ms Farias “convey to Dr. Chuang
that his advances were unwelcome”. Ms Farias was to seek resolution through
the Human Rights Commission
and the “medical/dental board”.
[217] Based on the evidence, the Tribunal has determined
that Dr. Chuang’s conduct after the
incident in April 2001 constitutes sexual harassment. The Tribunal concludes
that when Dr. Chuang placed
his hand on Ms Farias “behind”; when he called
her at home the day after that incident
and asked her to watch the “Weakest
Link” television show,
especially after she had set boundaries about calling her at home and how to go forward if she returned to work; when he yelled at her in the presence of her boyfriend
when the loonie had fell into her coffee; when he made a complaint to the Peel Regional
Police about Ms Farias (in the police’s view “to keep communication
lines open”) under the pretext of trying to obtain his office key; and when he kept calling her house after
she had resigned from his employment: all those acts have met the necessary
elements of sexual harassment within the rubric of subsection 7(2) and section
9 of the Code.
Dated at Toronto, this 11th day of July, 2005.
“Original signed
by Patricia E. DeGuire”

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