On February 10th, 2016 the Divisional Court upheld the majority decision of a Law Society Tribunal appeal panel substituting a two year suspension for the revocation of a lawyer's licence to practice law relying on Blencoe v. B.C. Human Rights Commission [2000] 2 S.C.R. 307.(see Law Society of Upper Canada v. Abbott 2016 ONSC 641) This is a significant decision in the context of self-regulated professions and could have some relevance to other areas including judicial misconduct proceedings. Rather than reinventing the wheel, I will simply delineate for the readers the salient points of the Divisional Court's ruling and later add my usual commentary.
[48] In this case, the Appeal Division was faced with what it found to be a period of unwarranted delay that exceeded seven years, none of which was the fault of the Appellant. There is no issue that delay that does not justify a stay can be a mitigating factor in penalty. The only issue was whether such a delay could be a factor that turned a penalty of revocation into one that did not involve the lawyer leaving the profession. The Appeal Division concluded that it could. It did so because it recognized that delay in the investigation and prosecution of serious misconduct could be just as harmful to the integrity of and the public’s confidence in the legal profession as the Appellant’s continued right to practice law. The Appeal Division’s reasoning on this issue was justifiable, transparent and intelligible and the conclusion it came to fell within the “range of possible, acceptable outcomes which are defensible in respect of the facts and the law.” (Dunsmuir, at para. 47).
[52] In my
view, the reasons given adequately support
the Appeal Division’s decision on penalty and display a line
of analysis that could reasonably lead it from the evidence
that was before it to its conclusion.
In other words, it was
a reasonable decision.
[48] In this case, the Appeal Division was faced with what it found to be a period of unwarranted delay that exceeded seven years, none of which was the fault of the Appellant. There is no issue that delay that does not justify a stay can be a mitigating factor in penalty. The only issue was whether such a delay could be a factor that turned a penalty of revocation into one that did not involve the lawyer leaving the profession. The Appeal Division concluded that it could. It did so because it recognized that delay in the investigation and prosecution of serious misconduct could be just as harmful to the integrity of and the public’s confidence in the legal profession as the Appellant’s continued right to practice law. The Appeal Division’s reasoning on this issue was justifiable, transparent and intelligible and the conclusion it came to fell within the “range of possible, acceptable outcomes which are defensible in respect of the facts and the law.” (Dunsmuir, at para. 47).
[49] Under s.
49.35(2)(a) of the Law Society
Act , R.S.O.
1990, c. L.8, the Appeal
Division had the jurisdiction to decide the issue of
penalty itself rather than sending the matter
back to the
Hearing Division. It decided
to exercise this jurisdiction
because of the length
of time that the
case had already been outstanding.
[50] The
Appeal Division’s decision as to the appropriate
penalty is entitled to deference from
this court and is reviewable on a standard of
[51] In deciding
to impose the penalty of
a two-year suspension
rather than revocation, the Appeal
Division took
into account the inordinate and unacceptable
delay that had occurred in
this case; the fact that the Appellant was not responsible for any of this delay
and cooperated with the
Law Society at all times; the fact that the Appellant had
not waived any
of the delay; the fact that
apart from the four-month
period during which the transactions at issue occurred, the Appellant had practiced law without incident
since his call
to the bar in 1989; the fact
that the Appellant ceased to be involved
with these type of transactions as
soon as he received a client inquiry about
possible mortgage fraud,
which occurred prior to any communication from the Law Society; the fact that the Appellant had
a reputation for honesty and integrity; and the fact that the Appellant had
acknowledged responsibility for certain aspects of
conduct and expressed remorse. Having considered all of
factors, the Appeal Division concluded that
the misconduct was unlikely to re-occur and that the ends
of specific deterrence,
general deterrence
and the maintenance of public confidence in the integrity and regulation of
the legal profession
would most appropriately be met by
imposition of
a two-year suspension rather than revocation.

How does this ruling change the law ? What does it all mean ?
This ruling changes the law because it recognizes and accepts that delay which did not cause significant prejudice to the lawyer could nonetheless constitute a mitigating factor on penalty. The ruling recognizes that an integral part of the goal of reassuring the public as to the integrity of the profession went beyond the lawyer and involved considering the harm to the public's confidence in the legal profession's ability to regulate itself.
It stands to reason that tribunals vested with the broad goal of restoring public confidence in the administration of justice as part of their statutory function must not limit themselves to the acts and omissions which are deserving of a penalty but ought to measure what ever penalty they impose having regard to the manner in which a case was brought and whether delay could undermine public confidence in the tribunal's process itself.
The common law doctrine of abuse of process is a powerful tool in the quest to restore public confidence in either the legal profession or the administration of justice generally. Whether delay adversely impacts the fairness of any hearing is a consideration of fundamental importance. This impact on any hearing renders the decision void. This remains the law and Abbott does not change this. What Abbott does is merely applies the Supreme Court of Canada's words in Blencoe to the penalty phase of a lawyer discipline case.
The Divisional Court's ruling on the question of whether the proceedings in Abbott ought to have been stayed are not particularly compelling in my view. The Appellant argued that even when hearing fairness was not compromised a stay may be entered where the delay would bring the Law Society discipline process into disrepute and the need to prove significant prejudice would be dispensed with. The Divisional Court disagreed with this interpretation of Blencoe holding that it was for the Appellant to prove both conditions, namely, the delay is unacceptable and the delay caused a significant prejudice. The court's reasoning on this point seems to overlook the very reasons why the Appeal panel overturned the penalty of disbarment. They overturned the hearing panels penalty of disbarment, for among other reasons: 1. "it erred in failing to make a finding as to whether the delay was "inordinate and unacceptable", 2.....it employed an improper test in evaluating prejudice to the Appellant as after finding that there was no doubt "some" prejudice to the Appellant, it went on to dismiss the prejudice because it was not "significant." In my view, the question of whether a stay of the proceedings was available to Mr. Abbott is ripe for appeal in these circumstances. It will be for our Court of Appeal to provide direction on this very important question of law.
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